Designing things to make stuff.

Scheidegger Co. has branched out! We now make other stuff too. What, you may ask? Well, see for yourself.

We have a clothing line.

Welcome to the realm of "Trademarkably Amusing" where creativity knows no bounds, except for the legal ones, and laughter is the finest fabric! Our clothing line is a whimsical extravaganza, expertly toeing the line of trademarked material without ever crossing into the forbidden territory. We bring you a collection of shirts, t-shirts, hoodies, socks, and more, designed to tickle your funny bone while keeping you stylishly clad.

We have accessories.

Maybe you would prefer some fancy sneakers, or maybe a cool looking tote bag? Not to worry, we have some unique designs for those as well. All created by our own team, you won’t find these anywhere else.